Friday, October 18, 2019

Source evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Source evaluation - Essay Example It has been known by scientists for a long time that the men have a larger brain that women bringing a whole new arguments: Are women less intelligent? Does the size of the brain really matter? Are there other differences? Due to this, many researches have been carried out to clearly show the difference in their functionality for both genders. Researchers from Harvard in 2001 carried out a research to define the notable difference in the structure of the human male and female species. Surprisingly, they found out that specific parts of the brain were differently sized in in men and women(Tangley 13). Most notably, the frontal lobe, a part used for solving problems and making decisions were larger in the male species while the limbic cortex useful for emotional regulation was larger in women. In addition the amygdala responsible for regulating sexual behaviour and sexual behaviour and parietal cortex which brings about space perception is lager in men (Tangley 19). There are â€Å"approximately 6.5 times grey matter in the male brain but 10times more white matter in women† (Tangley 12). Taking this statistic in mind, men use the grey matter, full of neurons to think while women use the white matter which has more connectors between the neurons (Tangley 07). Consequently, complication in set up of a woman brain due to many connectors not only makes it work efficiently but also faster than a man’s brain (Tangley 15). It is important for women to note that the size issue highlighted in the second paragraph is not really a concern. This is due to the fact that the neurons are tightly packed and closer to each other. This makes the woman’s brain work more efficiently and relatively fast in comparison to the men’s brain (Tangley 12). In addition the white matter combining with the tightly packed neurons facilitates the efficiency of the female brain. In her study on the female brain,psychologist Sandra Witelson found out that the

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